Friday, 28 December 2007

In the beginning...

I am getting old. Life is passing me by and I realise I am not leaving very much behind in my wake. So I am going to leave this - a blog. I am placing no rules upon it, just making it a place for me to talk, blow off steam, have a bitch, praise or ponder the inevitable. A little like a public diary. I do not expect anyone to ever read it, although I have read that statement myself on many blogs, but if anyone ever does then thats cool.

So why start a blog?

Well, as we grow older, we learn that everyone will let us down in the end. Even the ones you least expect will one day let you down. You will have your heart broken many times over and each time will be harder than the time before. You will fight with your best friends and maybe even fall out with them. You will blame someone for the actions of others and you will become unhappy at the thought of time passing you by so quickly. Eventually, you will start to lose those close to you.

I know the above to be a fact.

So to remedy the above, I plan to take too many pictures of the things that mean a great deal to me. Laugh long and hard at the things that make me laugh. Love like no one has ever hurt me because every sixty seconds I spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness I will never get back!