Thursday, 24 January 2008

Have You Seen The Light?

I was out on the road yesterday and decided to stop off for lunch only to be surprised by a strange phenomenon. I have always been very sceptical of people claiming to have seen UFO's and strange lights in the sky but I did see one. furthermore, I got photographic evidence!

I am sure I remember seeing something like it but it is a dim and very distant memory and I am finding it very difficult to recall it from my aging memory banks!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Groundhog Day

It is currently 2.30 in the morning and I am awake instead of snoring away in the fashion that used to so annoy me ex-wife. Just in case you should ever stumble across this, I still say I didn't do it on purpose dear.

It is funny the thoughts that run through your head while you are trying to get to sleep. Tonight it is; if you really did have to live through Groundhog Day, could you choose the day you had to relive or would you just have a random day thrust upon you? I am sure you will remember the film I am speaking of, the one with Bill Murray where every morning he wakes up and has to relive the same day over and over again.

I can think of days I would like to relive. I can think of days I would love the chance to experience again. I can think of days when I did something or said something and now, with hindsight, I would like to relive it and do it slightly differently.

Better still, just imagine at the end of each day you had the chance to relive the day over, to change it in some way, or let it stand as it happened. How many days would we relive? Would the perfectionists ever make it to the end of the week?

I am getting tired just thinking over the possibilities of this one. Oh well, time to try and get to sleep again and I hope if anyone should read this, they don't lose any sleep thinking over the days they would like to relive.


Friday, 11 January 2008

Everlasting Love

I saw this video on YouTube and it started me thinking; is there such a thing as everlasting love? Do people grow old together and fall more and more in love as the years slowly pass them by. Or is this just a fallacy?

I have heard people say they have been married X number of years and never had a cross word to say to each other. That I find very hard to believe. I know myself, that while I am considerate of others and I will go out of my way not to upset anyone, the thought of spending everyday for the rest of my life doing that with one person just fills me with dread!

Maybe I just never met the right person or maybe it's just me but I have a sneaking suspicion most people are the same.

I remember the Golden Wedding Anniversary of my grandparents. While it is quite an achievement to share that many years of your life with one person, in their case, I think they were celebrating the fact that they hadn't killed each other during all those years!

...or maybe I Am just an old cynic?

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Back In The Swing

I'm well into the second week back at work now and Christmas/New Year seems but a distant memory. The decorations have disappeared leaving behind a kind of emptiness around the place. I am not a big fan of putting decorations up for the festive season but once the task is completed I usually enjoy the tree and along with it the seasonal feelings of good will. Alas, once they are taken down there always remains a feeling of... I can't really find the word to describe it. Emptiness I think is probably the closest.

If you have seen the film Matrix, you may remember that in this fictional world everyone is not really alive but merely plugged into a massive computer and their lives are lived through having the memories of what would have happened to them inserted into their brains electronically.

How do we know we are alive?

Maybe Christmas didn't happen after all. Maybe it was just implanted into our memories by the same vast computer to keep us happy and productive. To keep us working and stop us from revolting against the all powerful state that runs the world.

Jebus H. Crisps, the crap that runs through my mind and passes for thoughts amazes even me!

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Back On The Horse

January 2nd, must be the most hated date on the calender. The day when most people, if they are anything like me, wake up to the sound of an alarm clock for the first time since before Christmas. Ten days spent lying in and getting up pretty much when you feel like shattered by the shrill sounds of the alarm clock. Now I know how Quasimodo felt!

The holiday season comes around every year full of promise and good cheer and leaves with a feeling of emptiness in its wake. The longing and looking forward replaced with the thought of another three or four months of winter cold, wet and maybe even snow still to come. Will the summer ever arrive and at least bring with it the couple of weeks of holiday and sun.

Life seems to be a long line of waiting for things that are over pretty much before they are begun. Do you remember how you felt the day you finished for the holidays before Christmas? The plans of things you were going to do, places your were going to visit and the fun you were going to have with the time away from work. Although it was fun while it lasted that is the precise nature of the problem, it just doesn't last long enough.

Most of us have to spend too many weeks of the year working to be able to afford the couple of weeks each year when we can have fun and do pretty much as we please.

So why am I telling you this? Have I found the answer to the problem?

No, alas I do not have the answer I, like everyone else, must go along with the flow of another year.

Unless... does anyone know what time the tills close for the Wednesday National Lottery Draw?

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Normal Service

Normal service will be resumed as soon as my head doesn't hurt quite so much...