Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Back In The Swing

I'm well into the second week back at work now and Christmas/New Year seems but a distant memory. The decorations have disappeared leaving behind a kind of emptiness around the place. I am not a big fan of putting decorations up for the festive season but once the task is completed I usually enjoy the tree and along with it the seasonal feelings of good will. Alas, once they are taken down there always remains a feeling of... I can't really find the word to describe it. Emptiness I think is probably the closest.

If you have seen the film Matrix, you may remember that in this fictional world everyone is not really alive but merely plugged into a massive computer and their lives are lived through having the memories of what would have happened to them inserted into their brains electronically.

How do we know we are alive?

Maybe Christmas didn't happen after all. Maybe it was just implanted into our memories by the same vast computer to keep us happy and productive. To keep us working and stop us from revolting against the all powerful state that runs the world.

Jebus H. Crisps, the crap that runs through my mind and passes for thoughts amazes even me!