Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Geekdom here I come

I decided I would try a custom template from those wonderful people at FinalSense yesterday. I choose not to do this originally because once you get into templates and coding then you turn into a complete and utter geek. A geek who has to download and install all the available browsers for your operating system just to make sure your template renders correctly in each.

So now I have a new template and guess what. It renders perfectly in Firefox and Safari but for some reason the divider between the posts doesn't always appear in Internet Explorer.

I am pretending it doesn't bother me and I am not going to let it worry me or spend hours trying to rectify the problem. If this is the case though why am I writing about it here... because its driving me MAD!!!

UPDATE: After of an hour or two of playing around with the HTML Code I finally got it all to line up properly. It is really frustrating when something that shouldn't work works and something that should work not only doesn't but messes up the appearence in other browsers. Why can't we have a standard that works for ALL browsers. The geek is now off to bed happy :)


houstonmacbro said...

Congrats! You are a brave soul. I am too chicken to try anything else. I am even chicken to try the Google provided templates, although I did change mine recently too

Yours looks good!