Monday 3 March 2008

Monday Morning

It's Monday morning and the weekend is over. I am in one of those Monday morning and can't be bothered moods. A friend has just texted me to say that she can't be bothered going into work today, nothing wrong she just doesn't want to go in. So I guess I am not the only one.

It made me wonder just how much of our lives we spend doing things that, if we had a choice, we just wouldn't want to do. Work, shopping, the daily drudge of life. Would we be happier if we could just do exactly what we wanted to do whenever we wanted to do it. Would that be better or even worse and a total bore?

Were we happier as cavemen? Surviving day to day rather than working for all the luxuries in life that we just have to have. Did the caveman feel the same on Monday mornings?

As humans are we ever happy with our lot in life?

Today I have so many questions but not many answers!


houstonmacbro said...

I probably wouldn't bathe or clean if I didn't HAVE to. I'm really a slob.

Social obligations make it otherwise.
