Wednesday 9 July 2008

Today Is The First Day...

I haven't blogged in an age and the last few days it has been nagging at me. I've been wondering what to post. I decided to just sit here and write this without thinking and see where it goes...

It has taken me a long time, but I am at a place in my life where I am happy. Not overly so, but on the whole pretty much happy. Every step I have taken has molded me and changed me into who I am today. There are things I regret, but those things have also helped to make who I am right now.

I have looked back at the past and don't know if I could change anything, and even if I could find a better solution now... well, obviously I can't go back.

I think the reason for this is; I have reached a place of forgiveness. Forgiven others for things they have done to me but more importantly, I feel, forgiven me for doing the things I have done to others over the years. Because, even though others may not believe this, I have done them with the best of intentions and I know I always do them with the right motive.

The past is now the past and can't be changed. Tomorrow, however, is tomorrow and we can take it one day at a time and remember what we have done previously and try not to make the same mistakes again.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


houstonmacbro said...

Things happen in our lives for reasons. Good and bad, they shape the future and prepare us for it.

Be at peace.